I Don’t Think We’re in Kansas Anymore: Does Insurance Cover Wind Damage to Fences?

If you’ve chosen the right coverage, your homeowner’s insurance will likely protect your house from natural disasters, storm damage, and even theft. During wind storms, it’s not always the just house or the roof that’s damaged. Often, it’s the fence around your property as well. So, does insurance cover wind damage to fences? Today, we’ll…

How to Find the Right Denver Fence Contractor (And Why It’s Important)

Did you know that first-time homebuyers spent $33,800 to renovate their homes in the last couple of years? Millennials like to get their hands dirty and do DIY projects around their homes which is great. Yet, big projects aren’t fun and better handled by professionals. Does your next project involve installing a new fence? Here’s how…

How to Maintain Your Wrought Iron Fence & Keep It Looking Brand New

Unless you live where it never rains, place your fence in a spot that never gets hit by the sprinklers and remove all wet vegetation – you’ll need to know how to maintain your wrought iron fence. At A Straight Up Fence Company in Denver, we know that along with being attractive, wrought iron is incredibly…

10 Benefits of Installing a Wrought Iron Fence

We know that deciding on a fence material can be tough. There are many options out there and various degrees of quality. While people tend to lean towards wood or vinyl, keep iron in mind. Today, A Straight Up Fence Company in Denver covers the benefits of installing a wrought iron fence. Even if it’s not…

How to Refresh Your Old Wood Fence

At A Straight Up Fence Company in Denver, we understand that replacing an old fence is a big expense. Most homeowners just don’t have that kind of cash burning a hole in their pocket. So, before we recommend a new fence, we’ll first see if we can refresh your old wood fence. This requires a…

5 No-Brainer Reasons to Install an Automatic Gate

Many people think that only the rich and famous can install an automatic gate. After all, that’s what you see on any show that features extravagant homes and businesses. But the actual cost is often well within reach and the practicality makes it even more tempting. With that in mind, check out these 5 reasons…

When to Repair Your Fence and When to Replace It

After years of withstanding whatever mother nature could throw at it, your fence is looking a little worse for wear. Now what? If you’ve noticed your fence is starting to show its age, you may find yourself wondering if you should shell out for repairs. Or, if you should scrap the entire thing and start…

Considerations for Denver Fence Building

Here at A Straight Up Fence Company, we have a few helpful considerations for Denver fence building. There are a number of factors to consider when you choose a new fence for your home. You want to achieve your goals for the fence while taking into consideration things like cost, durability, privacy, and visual appeal.…

Proper Etiquette for a Shared Fence

Here at A Straight Up Fence Company in Denver, we know that good fences can make good neighbors, but knowing proper etiquette for a shared fence can save you from headaches and other trouble. Today we share our tips to help keep you and your neighbor on friendly terms. And of course, once you’re both…

Measuring Your Yard for a Fence

When it comes to measuring your yard for a fence, we here at A Straight Up Fence Company in Denver have a few tips to help. Measuring might seem straightforward, but there are a few things that could get overlooked in the process, so the following tips may be helpful. Check Your Plat A plat…