When it comes to measuring your yard for a fence, we here at A Straight Up Fence Company in Denver have a few tips to help. Measuring might seem straightforward, but there are a few things that could get overlooked in the process, so the following tips may be helpful.
Check Your Plat
A plat is a plan that is a preview of proposed and actual features of a piece of land. Having a plat allows you to confirm the location of your property’s lines. Without a plat, you could end up building your fence on your neighbor’s property or possibly on public property which could lead to costly lawsuits and possibly having to tear down your brand new fence.
In addition to checking your plat, you should check with your local utility company to confirm the placement of any utility lines. Placement of posts may need to be altered to avoid hitting cable, electricity, or gas lines. It is very important to double-check these locations because digging in the wrong place can be very dangerous.
Following Zoning Codes
In certain areas, whether a city or HOA, there may be strict codes that need to be followed. The codes or regulations may cover the type of fence, as well as the height, and placement. Additionally, there may be other regulations you need to follow in order to properly install your fence. Often, these codes are specific to front yard fencing, but sometimes, they involve backyard fencing as well.
If you want to make the work of measuring and installing a fence easier, contact us here at A Straight Up Fence Company in Denver. We can make the entire process easier by getting it right the first time with no stress or fuss.
Carefully Measure
Before measuring your yard for a fence, mark your corner posts. You can place stakes in every corner where the panels of your fence will meet at a 90-degree angle. To measure the perimeter, use the stakes as guides. For a more accurate measurement, stretch your tape tight. Slack in your measuring tape may result in purchasing more fencing than you need for the project.
Research the length of the panels that you want to purchase (wood fencing is often sold in six and eight-foot lengths. Now, divide your perimeter measurement by the panel length to determine the number of panels you need. Be sure to plan out your post placements.
Check It Again
To avoid mistakes, it is best to measure at least twice. Perform your measurements as if you have not already measured. Checking the measurements a third time is also a wise move. It is also a great idea to ask someone else to measure as a way to double check your work.
When it comes to measuring your yard for a fence, consider bringing in a professional like A Straight Up Fence Company in Denver. We make the process simple by taking care of all the details, from permits and planning to seamlessly installing a wood, iron or simulated stone fence. To get started on a new fence for your home or business, please give us a call.